Truancy Officer
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The underlying causes that contribute to Excessive Absenteeism and Truancy can be complex and frustrating for students, parents, school staff and school administrators. With this in mind, the Macon-Piatt Regional Office (ROE#39) has worked to ensure that school attendance laws are enforced. In addition, proactive truancy support programs and services are also a part of the ROE truancy program model. We want to assist students to avoid reaching the critical stage of chronic truancy.
To assist schools in supporting the truancy laws and helping students and their families to make good attendance a priority, the ROE has provided guidelines for understanding attendance requirements and for making appropriate referrals to the ROE when students’ attendance warrants our attention and support.
You are asked to complete all information on referrals so the ROE can render timely and effective support services.
Truancy Intervention Program Guidelines for Schools
Mandatory Attendance: ILCS Section 26-1 mandates that all children between the ages of 6 and 17 attend school. ILCS also mandates that all children enroll in school (regardless of age) and attend school while it is session.
Truant: ILCS Section 26-2a Defines a truant as a child subject to compulsory attendance who is absent without valid cause (unexcused absences) on a given school day or portion.
Valid Cause: Illness, observance of religious holiday, death in immediate family, family emergency, and other situations beyond control of the student as determined by the school district, or other circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent for the safety or health of the student.
Chronic Truant: A child subject to compulsory attendance who is absent without valid cause for 5% or more of the previous 180 school days (9 or more unexcused absences in the past 180 days)
Prior to Referral: School must attempt three (3) prior interventions. Interventions may include phone calls, warning letters, home visits, meetings with parents/student, etc.